Your gift will help support Mozaic programs and services for people with disabilities or barriers. Mozaic currently supports over 2,000 individuals and their family members, and that number continually grows.

We will mail you a written thank you letter for your contribution. Mozaic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your contributions may be tax-deductible under United States law.

Online Forms Powered by DonorSnap

Membership gives Mozaic and those we support a bigger voice at the state and federal levels. The more members we have, the bigger the impact! As a member, you help advocate for those we serve by supporting our mission.

Your membership grants us access to more resources! Membership funds have been used to purchase adaptive equipment, to help individuals supported attend self-advocacy conferences, and overall to help fund our growth!

Membership links the community to Mozaic and Mozaic to our community, providing an inclusive atmosphere for all!

Cash Contributions

Cash or check donations are also accepted by mail. Click the button below to download and print our donation form and send to:

ATTN: Community Relations
1083 Waterloo Geneva Road
Waterloo, NY 13165


Karissa Hefferon, Director of Marketing & Development